If you're here, you probably already know what we mean when we say the "food stuff," thought processes like:

  • Why am I so hungry?! I’m so bad, I just can't control myself with food!
  • I start every day hopeful that this is the day I will start losing weight, and I end every day in failure
  • I’m either 'good' or 'bad' with food. I can go through a day perfectly adhering to 'good' foods and then have a bite of 'bad' food and all my progress goes out the window.
  • Even when I have been 'skinny' before I had to obsess over everything I ate and I still thought I had more weight to lose!
  • I avoid mirrors, cameras and even people I haven’t seen in a while because I am ashamed and embarrassed by how I look.
  • I'm just so tired. Tired in my body and tired in my soul from all this struggle

The 'food stuff' is not about unmanageable physical hunger, it's deeper than that. The soul is hungry, starving in fact. And we have just the nourishment for it- soul food! We believe when the soul is well fed, the body is able to relax into its natural state, including eating that feels natural and intuitive, exercise that makes you feel alive, and over time the body adjusting to it’s natural weight. We believe there is a message in the 'food stuff,' the soul trying to draw attention to your truest desires. Once the messages are discovered and combined with action, we can carve out the life we really want.



The role of an Eating Psychology Coach is to help guide you on your journey. We help you understand the factors of your particular relationship with food/ body, develop a specific healing strategy for you and support you in carrying it out. What a coach is not is yet another practitioner who has never experienced the food stuff for themselves and (therefore do not get it) giving you the health lecture, telling you to banish carbs, instructing you to "just stop overeating" (gee, I never thought of that), and making you feel judged when you are unable to comply. Most practitioners treat the food stuff as if it is a straight forward problem with a simple solution, when in fact the food stuff is a profound struggle with complex contributors from internal factors like soul and psyche, to external factors like significant relationships, career, finances, etc. The reasons for your particular relationship with food and body is within you and yet most practitioners don't even ask you questions about it, but rather impose a one size fits all approach.

What you can expect from a coaching session is speaking to an open minded, non-judgmental person who intently listens to you, ears perked for your soul's  desires and an outstretched hand to help guide you there. You are unique, your story is unique, your beliefs and your desires are all unique to you. And so is our approach. Some of the things we can cover include:

  • Mind body nutrition
  • Macronutrient balance
  • Areas of life that may be related to food, weight and body image
  • Knowing yourself and your journey on a deeper level through Astrology, Oracle cards & creative exercises.
  • And much more

What we cover and our methods are tailored specifically to you and your situation because this journey is uniquely yours!

Uniquely Yours Transformational 7- week Package

If you are looking for an intensive short term commitment with the benefit of working with two coaches, this package delivers amazing value!

"We have taken the very best of what we have learned over years of our own journey and condensed it for you. This package can literally will save you years of transformational work and thousands of dollars." - Shelly & Azure

This package consists of weekly coaching sessions alternating between each coach. Between sessions, the coaches collaborate on your needs, develop strategies specifically for you and your needs to give you maximum benefit.

Some of what we will cover includes:

  • Discovering more about yourself (including your relationship with food body) through astrology,
  • Diving deeper into life areas that are linked to your relationship with food, body.
  • Learning more about what life is really calling you to work on
  • Tools and practices that are healing

You will fall in love with the journey that is uniquely yours!

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Individual Coaching

If you would like to work with one of our coaches, a la carte sessions and packages are available. Areas of focus can include:

  • Relationship with Food, Body and/or Exercise
  • Astrology Natal Chart, Relationships, Situational
  • Oracle Card Reading
  • And much more, contact us to discuss what you are interested in!
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Group Events

If you are interested in attending one of our live group events, please check out our events calendar!

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Next Steps...

Let's set up a complimentary 15 minute session to go over what you are looking to work on and see if we are a good fit